When bicycle touring is not enough to fill the time what do you like to do? For the purist I suppose sleep would be the answer. Personally I don't like to let anything get in the way of a good sleep. However, I love a little music on a quiet evening when the owls are queuing you in. I find a tour to be good musical inspiration and music to be good for the soul. So then the question is how and what to bring. Several easy instrument to bring are the harmonica, recorder or even better a Native American flute (personal opinion). Of those three I would say the easiest to carry would be the harmonica. The best sound would be the Native American flute. I have never carried any of these however I have considered it many times.
Steve Harvell
My favorite instrument is the guitar. I love to play outdoors on a quiet evening. So this is perfect for the tour however bulky it is. I have been considering sizing down to a ukulele which would be easier to carry but again I would be sacrificing the sound.
This is a good blog showing how to build a rig to take a guitfiddle on tour..
how to carry a guitar on tour. <-------click
I love to fish, so I take a telescopic fishing pole with me when I tour. My tackle usually is a small power-bate jar full of artificial lures and that is all. I keep it simple. I have a few techniques that I have a lot of success with. It always works. I am always willing to teach another but most people I fish with don't like to be taught. They have there way and they believe it is the best. No worries for me, I love catching all the fish.
I have given away many wood carvings from a night at a camp fire. Sometimes I will work on a piece for days and give it to the first person who shows an interest. I really just enjoy creating a little piece of art. And how hard is it to carry a good carving knife, after all it is the same knife that I open my tuna can with. You can see some of my older artwork on the web:
Mark's Web Gallery <-----click

I haven't figured out how to bring all my paints on tour. I don't even know if I would do such a thing but I wouldn't count it out.
Happy trails everyone!